Fire is my Home... HunterAvenger--->>>взломан... SpellingHunter--->>>забанен... xSpell--->>>online...
Foul snake despair Where once you darkened gardens Another coils there Where twice you sliced all hope from me And left these present scars An insane love now burns above The weft of incandescent stars
Hilt your dripping fangs that range Skywards to rend apart I might have sang of wings unchained But long before I locked my heart... фанат xDDD
ничё Fire is my Home... HunterAvenger--->>>взломан... SpellingHunter--->>>забанен... xSpell--->>>online...
Foul snake despair Where once you darkened gardens Another coils there Where twice you sliced all hope from me And left these present scars An insane love now burns above The weft of incandescent stars
Hilt your dripping fangs that range Skywards to rend apart I might have sang of wings unchained But long before I locked my heart... фанат xDDD
ага Fire is my Home... HunterAvenger--->>>взломан... SpellingHunter--->>>забанен... xSpell--->>>online...
Foul snake despair Where once you darkened gardens Another coils there Where twice you sliced all hope from me And left these present scars An insane love now burns above The weft of incandescent stars
Hilt your dripping fangs that range Skywards to rend apart I might have sang of wings unchained But long before I locked my heart... фанат xDDD
Fire is my Home... HunterAvenger--->>>взломан... SpellingHunter--->>>забанен... xSpell--->>>online...
Foul snake despair Where once you darkened gardens Another coils there Where twice you sliced all hope from me And left these present scars An insane love now burns above The weft of incandescent stars
Hilt your dripping fangs that range Skywards to rend apart I might have sang of wings unchained But long before I locked my heart... фанат xDDD
ага Fire is my Home... HunterAvenger--->>>взломан... SpellingHunter--->>>забанен... xSpell--->>>online...
Foul snake despair Where once you darkened gardens Another coils there Where twice you sliced all hope from me And left these present scars An insane love now burns above The weft of incandescent stars
Hilt your dripping fangs that range Skywards to rend apart I might have sang of wings unchained But long before I locked my heart... фанат xDDD
ХБ только made in ГФШ Fire is my Home... HunterAvenger--->>>взломан... SpellingHunter--->>>забанен... xSpell--->>>online...
Foul snake despair Where once you darkened gardens Another coils there Where twice you sliced all hope from me And left these present scars An insane love now burns above The weft of incandescent stars
Hilt your dripping fangs that range Skywards to rend apart I might have sang of wings unchained But long before I locked my heart... фанат xDDD
2 СЕ 3 профа кажись чёта там было типа биша хавка и СХ нубл есть вроде бы ещё 3 шмот хз всякий А роба кажись какая то Б шмот Ы бижаа есть ещё пока плюсы хз какие непомню 4 играю ток дома онлайн хз многа часов пока недостанет 5 скорость подколючения хм.... хз норм мне хватает на 2-3 окна поидее 6 был в охраненебес эксиле фаирах и хз непомню больше 7 хз вроде бы нет наскока память позволяет 8 чёта такое имеется какие хз непомню уже надо смотреть 9 имеются такие Настя и светка и хз кто там из старого состава ещё есть 10 3 год толи пошёл толи уже закончится хз...